
All surgeries are by appointment and can be made in person, by telephone, or online.

  • Appointments Line: 01189 861 036

We offer two appointment types:

Pre-bookable appointments

We have a small number of these appointments each day, which are available to book up to one month in advance.  Please call at any time to book a pre-bookable appointment in advance.

Book on the day (same day) appointments

These are released at 8.30am to be seen on the same day. Please ring or come into surgery at 8.30am each morning.

Online booking appointments

We have a number of online bookable appointments that are held for patient online service users. If these are not taken they are released as a general book on the day appointment.

Please use our Patient Access if you already have an account.

Telephone Advice

The doctors have a set number of appointments available to give telephone advice after their morning or evening surgery. This will be offered whenever it is available, but please request this if you feel your problem can be discussed over the telephone.

Visiting the Surgery

When arriving for an appointment first report to the Receptionist. We always aim to see patients on time but please be patient if the doctor is running behind due unforeseen circumstances or emergencies.  Please make the Receptionist aware if you or your child has an infectious disease or rash and she will make arrangements for you to wait separately. Please inform the Receptionist if you wish to speak to her privately, away from the Waiting Room area.